Friday, April 15, 2016

LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA - TEMPLATE along with my attachments.

Today 4/7/2016, I am starting a BLOG  ( to discuss the reprehensible behavior of the California Department of Child Support Services, the Sacramento County Superior Court Family Law Division, The Oregon Department of Child Support and the Columbia County Circuit Courts in Oregon Along with many judges that have done nothing to help me with my 25 year old IV-D Child Support Case. I am now also working with the Department of Child Support in El Dorado County. We will see if they follow through with their job. So far I have had to be the one to persue inforcement, reopen my case when they attempted to close it several times, fight in Judical Administrative courts only to have the DCSS office VOID the judgement and write their own decision in their favor. To then force them to reopen my case again since it is a system set up for failure if you are trying to enforce your own order thru the courts without DCSS involved. Truly impossible.

I had a court date today I thought a Blog might help me with not only sharing information with people out there that are in my same situation. But also to help me in my case to keep regular notes as it has been a long 25 years that I have been attempting to collect this CALIFORNIA interstate child support order from OREGON.

Today my case was a motion filed by EDC DCSS to clarify my last order which the Sacramento County Courts LOST and for some reason couldn't provide a new certified copy of the order to El Dorado County DCSS, so I had to go to court with the Sacramento DCSS at 8:30a today in Sacramento for the pro temp/commissioner Judge Harman in Department 127, to basically reiterate what the last order already said.

I think this governmental agency/DCSS needs to explain why they spend our tax dollars and go to Leadership Conferences on our dime to learn the Federal laws and State Regulations only to then turn around and treat the pro se/pro per Custodial and NON Custodial parents hung out to dry when it comes to enforcement and just do their job! I have had to tell them the law. And force the enforcement and he just gets it vacated in Oregon.

Today I said in court that I was requesting to be heard in Federal District Court and Judge Harman said that DCSS in El Dorado County, CA would be required to do that if I request it. I have already done so on their website. I plan on following it up with a copy the final order after hearing and a letter requesting a formal hearing in district court to determine arrears and Jurisdiction once and for all according to the FFCCSOA and UIFSA which are both federal regulations that the two states must follow. I have had Continuing Exclusive Jurisdiction since 1998. The DA in Oregon has had my California order vacated back in 1999 through an ILLEGAL administrative judicial hearing that I was not even served for. A representative from the Sacramento County DCSS was served with the documents and never informed me of the hearing. So Oregon will now not honor the California order, even though I have proven personal and subject matter jurisdiction several times and have been awarded the Continuing Exclusive Jurisdiction in both Oregon and California superior courts. This case will go to Federal District court so that the two states can once and for all agree to the order and wage assignment of my over $87,000 in Child support arrears I am owed for my now 25 year old son that I had to raise with absolutely no help from his father Michael McDougle who has been protected by the DA in St. Helens, Columbia County Oregon named Stephen Atchison. SHAME ON YOU Mr. Atchison.


If you want to file a FEDERAL complaint about your local State Department of Child support go here, believe be this form was not easy to find!

Fw: Fwd: Child support arrears order that has been mishandled over a 25 year period UIFSA and CEJ are the issues

  • Today at 12:56 PM

Message body


From: Melissa Billups <>
Date: April 15, 2016 at 11:56:31 AM PDT
To: "" <>
Subject: Child support arrears order that has been mishandled over a 25 year period UIFSA and CEJ are the issues
Reply-To: Melissa Billups <>
I have had many years of work and anguish and want my case with DCSS to be reviewed by the CSDA as my case has Jurisdictional issues under UIFSA and the CEJ has been ordered to be where I and the child lived CA, but OR refuses to acknowledge the CA order. DCSS has been unable to collect and for some reason unhelpful and unwilling to file in federal district court to have this issue resolved. I have had judicial administrative hearings only for Sacramento DCSS to close my case anyway and fraudulently changed the Judicial Administrative order to read in their favor to close my case because of their failure to collect on my now emancipated child.  Since then my case was reopened in El Dorado County only for them to have a year of issues with Sacramento County on a simple request for a certified copy of my last arrears order.  I should not have to become a lawyer to enforce a child support order on a non custodial parent that now owns a home and has a job and tax returns that can be garnished properly.  This has been a nightmare for me, my son, and his father all because of the DCSS mistakes, cover-ups and blatant disregard for the child's support and parents obligations to his now 25 year old child.  My case number in Sacramento County is FL909978 and my current El Dorado County CSE# is 0670366562-01

Please contact me directly for more details. And how I can proceed with a complaint and hearing on the subjects addressed above.


Melissa Billups
All Around Notary Services
916-397-5997 Email:
Letter to our President -The White House
To:       President Obama                                                                                
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500


President Obama,

President Clinton Signed the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act on June 24, 1998 stating
“This bill today is a gift to our children and the future. The quiet crisis of unpaid child support is something that our country and our families shouldn't tolerate. Our first responsibility, all of us, is to our children. And today we all know that too many parents still walk away from that obligation. That threatens the education, the health of our children and the future of our country”.

I would like to know as a Single Mother Struggling what you, as the current president raised by a single mom, are doing in regards to the Nations epidemic of the BILLIONS of dollars that is owed in back child support. We need to make this issue a PRIORITY.  Poverty is so high in the homes of single income families and our children suffer from this. Child Support Laws are in place yet they are not strictly enforced and deadbeat parents flee from their responsibilities and Judges/Commissioners let those parents have chance after chance to pay their obligations. Why should they, when they are not punished? How is this fair to tax payers when these families have to seek out public assistance just because the obligor parent refuses to abide by the court orders?

According to the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, $108 billion in total back payments was owed to parents with custody of children in 2009.
If those payments aren't made and the children then need to go on public assistance, payments are supposed to be made to the government in the form of reimbursement. About 49% of that back money -- or roughly $53 billion -- is owed to the government, according to Joan Entmacher, vice president of family & economic security of the National Women's Law Center.

That's a raw deal for taxpayers. But for the mothers owed -- 82% of custodial parents are women -- it's the severing of an economic lifeline.

Deadbeats are a big reason why 41% of households headed by single women are below thepoverty level -- twice that for households headed by single men and nearly five times that for married couples.

To get out of paying, deadbeats will often take work in the underground economy to shield their income. Family courts are rife with tales where men with off-the-books jobs cry poor mouth to the judge, only to drive away in a Mercedes.

I am asking you to please take the time to research this problem and prioritize it. The following website will give you an idea of how bad it really is. This is reality, with nearly almost 18,000 people complaining about Child Support arrearage. Please look at this site and read what SO MANY other Single parents are saying.

Our future are OUR CHILDREN. What will you do about this?


A Single Mother doing it ALL on her own.

Some information found in
Hargreaves, Steve. "Over $100 Billion in Unpaid Child Support." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 05 Nov. 2012. Web

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