Monday, May 16, 2016

Welfare monies from 20 years ago intercepted.

They recently finally collected a large sum of money from my ex, in the amount of $5309.  Apparently there was welfare monies on my case still owed of $3500 to Sacramento County.  They got their piece first and didnt even tell me about taking it.  I received a noticed of payments but they did not specifically state how much welfare monies were owed anywhere, nor did they show it as paid to Sacramento County.  I had to call and get a full explanation from my worker, 

Just in case you thought you didn't owe welfare monies anymore, your wrong.  They never let it go. They previously waived the arrears owed to welfare in a court hearing back in 2011. Unfortunately it was not stated on the final order after hearing so I am out of luck.  Wow Sacramento County,  Wow,

So let me get this straight, you do nothing right for 25 years, I have to correct you at EVERY turn and even TAKE YOU to court after you close my case and you get the biggest amount out of the only enforcement you have done only because I have pursed this case with every cell in my body has anyone collected ANYTHING from this dead beat dad,  By the way  my son is 25 and I haven't been on welfare since he was about 5. So 20 years, seriously. That debt NEVER goes away.  Even though I again have REPEATEDLY had to make you reinstate, and enforce my case, you got paid first. Good to know where we stand.  This money was intercepted on 2/22/16 and I received my share of $1780 on or about April 27th.  Why did it take so long?? These state departments really need to look at their systems, long and hard and see who they are hurting by their incompetence, and inaction on so many cases through out the Nation.  Meanwhile they will be at their "Leadership Symposium" spending our money on their per Diem spending accounts and oh by the way, its held in New Orleans this year.  Must be a blast.  Hope you all sleep well knowing that Hundreds of thousands of kids and custodial parents are hurting for their measly child support from all the dead beat parents out there that think it is NOT their responsibility to help their children.

Man I am pissed. And so sick of the system we have that does nothing for the people. And could give a rats ass about any of us.

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